Saturday, April 28, 2007

A little About IGUANAS!

I know a few people who have owned Iguanas and they tend to be suprised that there is a lot of specialized care needed for iguanas.Alot of people seem to think you just let it walk around the house and feed it a couple of crickets now and then(movie balony)Iguanas are like any other lizard,they need specialized lighting and habitat.And most people dont relize iguanas are pretty big lizards.(they can reach up to six feet in length).And around 3 years old the male green iguana can become very agressive during breeding season, biting and the tail is used like a whip and can cause a a pretty good cut if it hits you.The females may die if they become eggbound(didnt mate dureing mateing season).dont buy a iguana ,or any other lizard just becuase it looks your rresearch first and see if its a pet you really want,and that you are able to take care of it.all pets require a commitment.lizards need care and love to!

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beautilful boa

beautilful boa
snakes need love too!


