Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Snake Houseing

When houseing your pet snake you must consider the size of the snake and the best enviroment that is suited for your pet snake.Obviously most boa constrictorS grow to a great length and size.So with a pet boa you will a much larger terrarium,vivarium,or cage,wich ever you choose to use.Many pet snake owners choose the wooden terraria with the steel meshing or glass viewing panels and wooden frame.This type of cage is very popular becasuse its fairly easy to build and you can build it to your specifications and to fit the area you plan on keeping the snake.But its very important that the structure of the cage is very solid because boas and pythons are very strong.Also make ther is no areas or spaces where the snake can escape from,Rember snakes can contort thier bodies to fit threw very small openings. Well i did something dumb the other day.ididnt latch my snakes cage and it escaped.uve turned my house upside down looking for the snake but couldnt find it anywhere:(. My daughter is heart broken i ve laid out some food for it hopeing it will get hungry but balll pythons can go months without eating and it might not even be in the house by now.(they are good at finding escape routes).

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beautilful boa

beautilful boa
snakes need love too!


